Media Video Downloads
Here are our available media video downloads for your use in pre-planning your radio interview.
Media video Downloads
What Do You think of Those Babies? Thumbs UP!! 2:26 min.) 2: The Next Generation Promo (1:45 Min.) From Death to Life Promo (3:50 min.) 2: The Next Generation Promo (3 min.) 25 Year History of Sound Wave Images ( Collection of all Promos) 2: The Window to the Heart (3 min. promo) Speaks in Congress 1990 (4 min.), you can get the complete 5 DVD set which retails for $140 but through this limited time Special Offer you can receive all 5 titles for only $69.95!
Why Benefits of Ultrasound and Counseling are so critically needed in Pregnancy centers
Since the Roe v. Wade decision 35 million abortions have been performed in the United States. That is 1.5 million every year. It is the most common surgical procedure and the only one protected by law that does not require the physician to divulge all the pertinent information of that procedure (Thornburg Vs American College, June 1986).
Teenage sexual activity will result in nearly one million pregnancies annually, leading to 406,000 abortions, 134,000 miscarriages and 409,000 live births. About 3 million teens will get a sexually transmitted disease. A survey done in 1994 revealed that 90% of adults feel unplanned pregnancy is a problem and that 87% feel that it is due to a lack of education. How can we decrease the number of unplanned pregnancies and abortions in this country? (1994 CDC Statistics)