Its been 41 years Since the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion! But, we are winning!
God always moves at the end of the 40th year. It is Time Now to End Abortion!
Over 58 million have been lost to abortion!
The war is still raging, and the battle is still over abortion.
But, the GOOD NEWS we are WINNING!
We are winning! The majority of Americans now self-identify as pro-life and Ultrasound technology is credited with an important role in changing attitudes.
Shari Richard, RDMS Saving lives!
Shari, an obstetrical ultrasound expert and educator, who personally experienced the grief and pain of abortion, uses knowledge to affect hearts and minds.
In 1990, through Sound Wave Images, she produced the videos “Ultrasound: A Window to the Womb” and “Eyewitness to the Earliest Days of Life” showing fetal development and facts related to the emotional and physical trauma of abortion. Her 2-D footage has educated millions with over 500,000 copies distributed and translated around the world. Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRC’s) across the nation use the videos to educate their clients on life in the womb.
Recently, utilizing digital advances, Shari produced Eyewitness 2 and Window to the Womb 2: the Next Generation in 3-D and 4-D imaging.
In five discs of ultra-clear and detailed images, Shari takes the viewer visually through the 38 weeks of pregnancy, documents the legacy of Ian Donald and the history of clinical ultrasound, and shares the personal stories of men and women who have experienced the grief of abortion and who have gone from pain to healing. Click Here to Order!
Now through her latest release of Eyewitness & Window 2 Pregnancy Care and Counseling Version Pregnancy centers, churches and schools will be able to provide information on fetal development, abortion and healing. As a teaching tool the videos are enriching the effectiveness of abstinence curriculum and decreasing abortion.
As a voice for the unborn, Shari Richard knows a picture is “worth a thousand words.” Her unforgettable images continue to alter the national conscience and affect public opinion. She continues her work of educating, speaking, and ultrasound training for the medical staff of pregnancy centers. Shari’s mission continues to be to share God’s grace and love to change and heal lives through a “window to the womb.”