Eyewitness & Window to the Womb 2: The Next Generation
Eyewitness & Window to the Womb 2: The Next Generation
The Pregnancy Care and Counseling Version – The Next Genertion
The Pregnancy Care and Counseling Version – The Next Genertion
Pregnancy Centers across the nation have used Unborn.com’s incredible 1990 edition of “Eyewitness and Window to the Womb” by Shari Richard to educate their clients on life issues. Now through the Pregnancy and Counseling Version, The Next Generation, centers and other counseling resources will be able to provide the facts about fetal development, abortion complications, post abortion syndrome and healing. Separate chapters will allow for specialized presentations to accommodate the needs and time constraints of the session. Perfect for pregnancy centers, churches and conferences for selected subjects with time constraints.
Eyewitness & Window to the Womb 2: The Next Generation Regular price: $34.95 Special Offer: $29.95 .